Model :
JPBT -407
Ti presentiamo l'Isolateral Incline Tricep Extension, una macchina progettata con precisione progettata per indirizzare e rafforzare i tricipiti con un'efficienza senza precedenti. Dotato di funzionalità isolaterale, ogni braccio si muove indipendentemente, garantendo uno sviluppo muscolare equilibrato e riducendo gli squilibri di forza. L'angolo di inclinazione regolabile consente un impegno muscolare mirato, mentre le impugnature ergonomiche offrono una presa comoda e sicura durante gli allenamenti.
42 pollici/107 cm
56 pollici/142 cm
Height :
58 pollici/147 cm
Weight Stack:
110 libbre/50 kg x ogni lato
10 Years Warranty : Structural Frame, Guide Rods and Weight Stacks.
5 Years Warranty : Bushings, Bearing & Pulleys.
6 Months Warranty : Cables & Upholstery.
Warranty : 1 Year Labour warranty (Consumables, Rubber & Plastic Parts not covered)
NOTE: Warranties applicable only under normal gym conditions and under expert supervisions. All the above warranties are valid provided the service AMC (Annual Maintenance contract) has been procured exclusively from JERAI FITNESS LTD.
5 Years Warranty : Frame & Motor of Treadmill.
2 Years Warranty : Display PCB & Suspension of Treadmill.
1 year Warranty : Running Belt, Incline Motor, Deck, Timing Belt, Inverter of Treadmill.
Warranty : 1 Year Labour warranty (Consumables, Rubber & Plastic Parts not covered)
NOTE: Warranties applicable only under normal gym conditions and under expert supervisions. All the above warranties are valid provided the service AMC (Annual Maintenance contract) has been procured exclusively from JERAI FITNESS LTD.